A Dream and Making a Difference – April 2020

Your support of Framework International encourages the board and I every single day. You inspire us to forge ahead, even in the midst of uncertainty, and not to lose sight of the power of a dream, and the necessity to make a difference in this world. 

You are making a life-changing difference in the lives of students, and a positive impact on their parents and communities in seven rural villages in Ghana with a Framework-built school. And right now, more than ever, we all need to dream and make a difference.

Is Ghana immune from the coronavirus? Sadly, no. They have reported over 200 cases, most of these focused in its capital of Accra, a southern coastal city. But like here in the states, it’s traveling. Ghana had an infected person take a flight and then a public bus up north. But so far, there are only a few cases there, a geographical area where our 7th school – the Jack Beu Primary School – is being built in Zeemboug.

Ghana is taking precautions. They have issued a country-wide shelter in place order for the next two weeks. But this is tough. There isn’t functionally a lot the government can do, because so many of its people live day to day. The money they earn that day, pays for their dinner that night. It makes it far more difficult to stay in place. Kofi, our construction partner with Building for the Future Generation, tells me one bit of silver lining is that handwashing is taking on a new exuberance around the country!

The foundation for the Jack Beu Primary School is finished. Now, we will wait for the first rain to naturally compact the fill dirt. This will ensure fewer issues with future cracking. Building for Future Generations will be back in May to hire community workers to help them put up the walls and then the roof. The school is coming together on schedule and on budget.

We continue to dream on how, together, we can empower Ghana’s youth with the renovation or building of their primary schools. And we look forward to sharing with you a new dream in making a difference in their lives.

Yours in empowering Ghana’s youth,

Seth Prickett

Framework International Founder and Board Chair


