Jack Beu Primary School Commissioning – March 2021

I think if there is one lesson to be learned in this Covid-19 era, it’s the one of flexibility. There is a saying I learned when growing up: man plans, God laughs. Never has it been as true, as now.

On January 26, I was supposed to be arriving in Northern Ghana. But I wasn’t, I was still in Portland, Oregon. The Sunday prior to my Monday departure, I got a notice that my PCR-covid test—a test that can take up to three days for results and is required for entry into Ghana—came back inconclusive. The machine malfunctioned or something went wrong with my sample. Regardless, I was grounded.

Even if I were to get another PCR-covid test and travel to Ghana, I would be missing the commissioning of the Jack Beu Primary School and then have only five days in-country to check on our other schools and participate in the groundbreaking at Edukuma, the village of our 2021-22 school build project. So I made the very hard decision to postpone my trip to Ghana, once again. I will plan on making a longer trip to Ghana in the fall; and trust that this time, it will work out! 

All in all, the most important plan did work out—the Jack Beu Primary School!

Please take a moment and watch this video and celebrate what you’ve done, through your generosity, in Zeemboug for these children. It’s pretty remarkable.

With each school lesson shared, the children of the Jack Beu Primary School are being empowered in ways that only an education can provide. Hope. Opportunity. Breaking the cycle of poverty. Protection. The list goes on and on. 

Thank you for your continued and faithful support of Framework International. I am humbled by and grateful for you.

Yours in empowering Ghana’s youth,

Seth Prickett

Framework Founder and Board Chair

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