October 11, 2019
In Ghana, girls aren’t always allowed to go to school.
This is a reality that thousands of young girls have to face, every day, if their village doesn’t have a functioning primary school.
Our sixth school, which officially opens next month, gives girls a chance.
In the village of Kwaman, their primary school was old and dilapidated. In fact, last year during a storm, the roof collapsed. After the storm, the parents gathered enough of the old roofing sheets to make a makeshift cover for two of its six classroom, but the situation was less than ideal, and the other classrooms remained unusable.
The head teacher received a letter from the school district announcing their plans to condemn the school, and for the teachers to inventory all its supplies for redistribution.
But, what would happen if the school was condemned?
This is the only primary school in the village, and should be serving 350 students! All of the kids would have to go to schools in neighboring villages. But in reality, this means most of these kids would NOT go to school.
Some of the boys may be able to continue, but not the girls.
For safety concerns, parents in rural Ghana don’t have their daughters walking long distances alone to attend school. They also like them near home, so they can help with chores.
A teacher at a Framework school put it bluntly:
“Girls having access to school is not just an opportunity for an education, but also an opportunity to make their own path in life.”
She went on to explain that when young girls are home all day, with lots of men around, they get pregnant … and that’s it. Their life is set.
This is why our work is so important! We are providing a pathway for young girls to reach their full potential.
These kids are so excited for their new school.
Kofi, our general contractor with Building for the Future Generation, tells me that whenever he shows up at the work site, he is greeted by cheering children. He feels like a rock star! Actually, this is a common occurrence with each of our projects. These children are eager to learn.
Through wise financial stewardship and strategic partnerships, 100 percent of financial gifts are used to build and remodel public schools in Ghana, so that primary aged children will have a place to learn, and their lives can be forever changed.
Yours in empowering Ghana’s youth,
Seth Prickett
Framework Founder and Board chair