It’s hard to believe that today, in rural communities across Ghana, there are children who do not know how to read and write because there is no school in their village.
Students learn in an “old” Hasowodze school block. School attendance is less than half of what it was as its peak due to poor school structures and understaffing of teachers.
Hasowodze, the home of our 2023 school build project, is no exception, despite having “school” buildings. Primary students in Hasowodze are learning in 50-year-old buildings that are falling apart: broken windows and roofs, huge holes in the concrete floors, and crumbling walls. Teachers don’t accept positions here because of the poor facilities and the “school” is now understaffed. Students discouraged, have quit school. Parents concerned for their children’s safety, don’t send them to school.
Today, there are children in Hasowodze not being provided access to learning because of poor school structures – not because they don’t have them! Instead of learning how to read and write, they are working in the cocoa fields.
And then added to this, for the past 13 years, they’ve had to look at an abandoned, partially-built school structure, being reminded of what was promised to their village – a new school! – only to have it stolen away from them with government administration changes and a corrupt contractor.
Once, there were 200 students attending school in Hasowodze, and today, there are maybe 100 on a good weather day. This is why we have chosen Hazowodze as our 2023 project. We can finish what was started, by completing the construction on their school!
Thanks to those who have already given gifts toward this special project. To those who are considering partnering with us, there is no time to waste. We need just $2,705 more to put a roof on this school, and we need the money raised in a month, so we can have the roof on before the rainy season starts in May.
We’re already encouraged by the support shown by the villagers for their school. To gain access to what was built, so that a structural engineer could give an assessment, we had to clear away massive amounts of debris that had covered the building. The villagers, many of them parents, showed up in numbers to help with the weeding and pulling out of tree stumps. Their work showed us how important it is to them to have a new school building for their children.
When the school is finished, it’s going to be amazing! It will be a six-room classroom block (pre-K through grade 6), with administration and storage rooms. This new school building will tell these children, and their community, that they have not been forgotten.
The amazing teaching team at Hasowodze Primary School
Building or renovating primary schools in Ghana is where Framework – and YOU! – makes a transformational difference in student’s lives and provides real hope for the younger generation.
Your gift will help to bring a school building to a rural village in Ghana that is desperate for a safe and sturdy structure for their children. Kids' lives are forever changed when a school is in their village – they are able to read and write and feel empowered! The total build price of this school is a little over $27,000. Thankfully, the abandoned structure is giving us a good head start.
We’re ready to get started today. Your support will make it happen.