Did you know that Ghana has 2,417 outdoor schools which are sheltered only by trees?
Of these:
- 1,167 are primary schools
- 989 are junior high schools
- 261 are kindergartens
When you partner with Framework International, you are helping to make a real and lasting difference in Ghana by building safe and sturdy schools for their children.
These kids at Edukuma Primary School, the home of our school build, will soon have new classrooms to continue their education in—a place to learn the skills and grow in knowledge to make their dreams come true.
A lot has been happening with Phase 2 of our 2021/2022 school build project. Here are a few pictures to show you the progress being made. But first, this picture reminds us of why the village of Edukuma needs a primary school!
Edukuma Primary School was using (and still is until the build is complete) this structure for their classrooms. This building was built in the early 90s, out of wood and tin, and is located in a valley between two hills. When it rains, all the rain ends up in the valley, gradually destroying the school.
Edukuma’s NEW primary school today! The solid cement block walls and updated design of wood windows are completed and the extensive framing for the roof begins. When finished, this upper primary block will have six classrooms, an administration office, and a storage room.
Supply issues and inflation continue to affect Ghana’s commerce, so the board made the strategic decision to purchase all the remaining lumber to finish this project to help keep material costs at a minimum. This means we now have $16,000 left to complete this build.
So I am asking you today, will you please support the village of Edukuma with a generous gift of $50, $100 or even $200 today?
A gift of …
$50—will pay for a student’s desk and chair (150 desks and chairs to be made)
$100—will buy one of six classrooms their chalkboard
$200—is the actual building cost per student for Phase 2 (150 upper primary students)
$400—will equip one of six classrooms with a set of double doors: including framing, doors, and locks
$1,000—will paint the entire school block!
Your gift is truly transformative to this rural village that so desperately needs a new elementary school for their children. Right now, these children are learning outside under crudely built structures. But they have hope, as everyday they see the progress being made on the build, and they are so excited for when they can learn inside their new classrooms! Please give a gift to Edukuma’s future—for their children to have a safe and secure school in which to learn.
Yours in empowering Ghana’s youth,
Seth Prickett
Framework Founder and Board Chair